Home Changelog as of October 29, 2021

Changelog as of October 29, 2021

Week Highlights

  • Updates on PR #295: Discussions taken up at TSC Meeting session on Abeers comments and questions.
  • Discussion with Tom Alexander for an Openpulse grammar implementation. PR #296 opened up.
  • Jacks meeting and discussion with
  • Presentation at IEEE Quantum Week Qiskit Advocate session
  • Last week’s TODO list achieved:
    • BaseBitArray: List[Optional[bool]] ——–> Optional[str] - pushed to repo
    • BaseBitArray.value returns int - pushed to repo
    • BaseBitArray bitwise operations implementation (including rotr, rotl, popcount )- pushed to repo
    • Logical and comparison operations (&&, ||, ==, !=, etc) overloading - pushed to repo
    • Duration: Casting to ‘machine-precision’ float (tentative: just use python float) - pushed to repo - pushed to repo
  • Summary of Abeers Chat with Jake Lishman:
    • The ComplexNumber : RealNumber PlusMinus ImagNumber is a lexer rule, not a parser rule as it starts with a capital letter (didn’t know this earlier).
    • Adding a separate rule to parse complex numbers differently (let’s say it is complexExpression) might create problems with the parsing as there will be a conflict with additiveExpression and complexExpression , and that doesn’t seem like a right choice to have.
    • Parsing complex numbers as additiveExpression has an advantage as it can parse things like 2*3.0 + sin(pi/2)imag successfully, which is a valid thing according to spec, but will be difficult to implement with complexExpression type parsing rule.
    • Literals for complex numbers ar- e probably not allowed as there has been no discussion about it anywhere. Example (3+4im) * (1+2im) is an invalid statement (with or without type-casting) because complex[.] type doesn’t support literals and implicit typing/casting, and we have to explicitly write the below code:
  • Added to openpulse group on qiskit slack for further discussions and assistance on PR #296.
  • Abeers questions on PR #295 to be raised by Jack in the TSC Meeting.
complex[float[32]] a = 3+4im;
complex[float[32]] b = 1+2im;
complex[float[32]] c = a * b; // valid
complex[float[32]] d = a + (5+6im); // invalid
complex[float[32]] e = a + complex[float[32]](5+6im); // invalid
Some more discussion: https://github.com/Qiskit/openqasm/pull/175

Meeting Notes

  • BitArray.py file modified by Abeer, added types. Updates to BitArray.py discussed
  • Discussion about bugs in AST (eg dd.qasm) Duration type flawed
  • OpenPulse grammar: decision to go with custom grammar
  • TODO List:
    • BaseBitArray: List[Optional[bool]] ——–> Optional[str]
    • BaseBitArray.value returns int
    • BaseBitArray bitwise operations implementation (including rotr, rotl, popcount)
    • Fix operations between Angle and other ClassicialTypes
    • Logical and comparison operations (&&, ||, ==, !=, etc) overloading
    • Duration: Casting to ‘machine-precision’ float (tentative: just use python float)
    • Stretch: Not decided yet (Not Implemented)
  • Discussion on #295 Discussion on Abeers comment and questions on the power operator in particular with regard to raising complex numbers to complex powers.
  • Goals set for next week: Update public website
  • Document formation for November 11 review.
  • Sync up meet on Monday next.

Major checkpoints and directions for the project:

  • Clean up and reconcile small changes made by Abeer and Adrien in the repo
  • Restart repository based on importing the finished AST package
  • Work in support of PR #295 and PR #296
  • Investigate possibility of fulfilling PR #296 in implementing openpulse grammar
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