Home Project __init__( jack,abeer,adrien,vishal )

Project __init__( jack,abeer,adrien,vishal )

This post marks the official beginning of the project “OpenQASM 3.0 Reference Implementaion” as a part of Qiskit Advocate Mentorship Progmram #23 “QAMP” Fall 2021

Plan as of 2021-09-17

  1. Formulate Issues for astcompiler/openqasm a. note on Issues that we will submit PR
  2. Work on AST
  3. Work on Code Compiler a. This helps validate AST
  4. Document a. README.md b. website? c. Be ready to present to Mentorship program (9/21)
  5. Team to coordinate roles
    • a. QC gen - Abeer & Adrien
    • b. Coord with @aspcompiler on AST compiler - Adrien & Abeer
    • c. Documentation - Vishal
      • a. README.md
      • b. Presentations
    • d. Mentees schedule midweek meetings

Progress so far

  • Vishal will be preparing Slides for the Mentorship presentation
  • Project : intent OpenQASM3 -> AST -> QC … maybe as far as Pulse support?
  • Use of Li Chen’s AST generator (https://github.com/astcompiler/openqasm)
  • Our progress so far
    • a. AST test code (Adrien’s tests)
    • b. Abeer’s code generator that support inv, etc.
    • c. Anything else we have by presentation time
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