Home TODO List [code]

TODO List [code]

Changes TODO in the code

Remove get_register (PARTIALLY DONE)

  • Potential changes:
    • Generate new instance of ClassicalRegister in the _process_QuantumMeasurementAssignment
    • Perform circuit.add_register()
    • Perform cl_identifier.set_register()
  • Will make the syntax for measurement operation easier and constant with the other things that use context.lookup() instead.
  • Problems:
    • Need some way to not process IndexIdentifier, and perform indexing/selection/slicing on the ClassicalRegister instead.
    • Conflict with language specification as it gives a way to add register to types other than BitArrayType as well.


  • Determine if the condition is a measurement result that is stored in a ClassicalRegister object using:
    if <ClassicalType>.register is None:
  • If register is None, then go for _process_Statement
  • Else use c_if with the quantum gates inside the if-else block.


  • Determine is loop is constant time unrollable or not.
  • Have to look-ahead in the AST for evaluating unrollability.
  • Probably a recursive backtracking style look-ahead would be easier to implement as per the current translator code.

  • Unrollable:
    • Only consisting of quantum gates.
    • Just unroll the loop into a serial set of quantum gates.
  • Non-unrollable:
    • Consisting of quantum gates, measurements, classical operations, classical feedback, quantum-classical loop dependencies etc.
    • Generate a separate quantum circuit for the loop block and then use qc.compose() to join initial circuit with circuit for each iter.
    • Problem: The number of circuits will grow exponentially for nested loops.

All attrs

  • Accept a list of QuantumCircuit objects.
    • First instance: main circuit.
    • Subsequenct instances: circuit for each iteration.


  • Return a list of QuantumCircuit objects.
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